Dialogue & Dignity Series Events This Week
The Dialogue & Dignity Series continues this week with Amra Sabic-El-Rayess, Associate Professor of Practice in Organization and Leadership and the Executive Director at the International Interfaith Research Lab at Teachers College, Columbia University. Sabic-El-Rayess is an award-winning author and scholar who works to build community belonging and nurture resilience to hate. She has published on a range of issues, including educational displacement, violence prevention and radicalization.
Photo credit: Ingrid Skousgard
Sabic-El-Rayess centers storytelling at the heart of scholarship, research and work in service of building belonging and nurturing resilience to hate across communities. She was awarded a 2021 Finalist Medal for Excellence in Young Adult Nonfiction by the American Library Association for her memoir, “The Cat I Never Named” (Bloomsbury, 2020). A defining text on resilience to hate and empowerment through education, the book is widely taught in K–12 classrooms.
Sabic-El-Rayess will deliver a public talk titled “Reimagine Resilience: Storytelling as a Portal to Prevention” on Friday, March 7, at 7:30 p.m. in Olin Auditorium. (Flyer attached.)
Sabic-El-Rayess will also co-host an interfaith workshop titled “Understanding Educational Displacement To Cultivate Our Collective Resilience to Hate,” together with Vikramaditya Joshi, a doctoral candidate in the Philosophy and Education Program at Columbia University. The free workshop will take place on Saturday, March 8, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Reid Campus Center Young Ballroom. Lunch will be provided. Please register in advance.
Please direct any questions or accommodation requests to Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Student Life Bridget Jacobson at jacobsbk@whitman.edu.
Employee Appreciation Day Tomorrow
In honor of National Employee Appreciation Day on Friday, March 7, the Human Resources team will be visiting campus buildings with a mobile popcorn party. Check the schedule below and make plans to join your colleagues!
- 9 a.m. at Baker Center, Physical Plant and Welty Student Health Center
- 10 a.m. at Hunter Conservatory and Maxey Hall
- 11 a.m. at Hall of Music and Penrose House
- 1 p.m. at Fouts Center, Olin Hall and Sherwood Center (Baker Ferguson Fitness Center employees are also invited)
- 2 p.m. at Hall of Science, Memorial Building and Reid Campus Center
- 3 p.m. at Boyer House and Penrose Library
- 4 p.m. at Harper Joy Theatre and Technology Services
The Whitman Events Board (WEB) will host free bowling for Whitman students on Saturday, March 8, from 7–9 p.m. at Stardust Lanes. (Flyer attached.)
Black Faculty Panel Discussion on Monday
Whitman faculty members will host a panel discussion titled “Sojourning to Freedom: Highlighting Black Women’s Contributions and Voices” on Monday, March 10, at 5 p.m. in Olin Auditorium. Faculty participants will highlight the unique experiences of Black women, the ways in which Black women have contributed to their research work, the key figures and theories of Black women that have anchored them, and how they honor the legacies of these voices in their lives and the classroom. (Flyer attached.)
Healthy Minds Survey for Students
Students, look for an email from Dean of Students Kazi Joshua with a link to the Healthy Minds survey. The results of this national survey will provide us with a comprehensive picture of mental health and related issues at Whitman. The more students who respond, the better we will be able to evaluate our ability to meet student needs. Participants will have the opportunity to win one of four $250 gift cards and one of ten $100 gift cards. The survey closes on Friday, March 14.
Nominate a Whittie for a Campus Award
The Office of the President launched a new consolidated nomination form to handle many of the annual campus awards for students, faculty and staff. Visit the new webpage to learn more about the different available awards and consider who you might like to nominate for one or more of them. Nominations for the current award cycle will be accepted through Wednesday, March 12.
Last Call for Spring Textbooks at the Bookstore
The Whitman College Bookstore will begin returning spring semester textbooks to publishers next week. If you still need any books for your current classes, please stop by the bookstore as soon as possible!
The Winter 2025 issue of Whitman Magazine includes a profile of Associate Professor of Computer Science John Stratton. Read the full story to learn more about what led Stratton to the field of Computer Science and how he helped launch the department at Whitman.
Reid Campus Center, Young Ballroom
Reid Campus Center, Lower Level
Reid Campus Center, All Faiths Room
Reid Campus Center, Room 207
Reid Campus Center, Queer Resource Center
Reid Campus Center, All Faiths Room
Harper Joy Theatre, Freimann Studio
Would you like to share an event with campus? Submit the information to the Events Calendar.
Whitman Today is emailed to Whitman College staff, faculty and students each weekday during the academic year and twice a week during breaks. An archive of previous issues is available online.
All submissions are welcome! If you have accomplishments to celebrate, an event to publicize or other Whitman content to share, email whitmantoday@whitman.edu. Submissions of 125 words or less are due by noon on the business day prior to publication. Submissions may be edited and/or held for a later date according to space and editorial needs. Your submission also authorizes use on Whitman's social media unless otherwise specified.
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