Friday, February 28, 2025
Entering Year Two of the Culture of Respect
Feature by: Cassandre Beccai, Director of Equity and Compliance/Title IX Coordinator, and Aimée Milne, Assistant Vice President for Wellness
In January 2024, the Whitman community partnered with NASPA’s Culture of Respect Collective to embark on a two-year process of self-assessment and organizational change for a lasting cultural shift. The program focuses on implementing research-based strategies to drive fundamental changes in campus prevention and response efforts related to sexual violence.
Our first year was dedicated to comprehensive assessment and discovery. Through extensive conversations with campus stakeholders, we carefully examined our current practices to identify both strengths and opportunities for growth.
Now, as we enter our second year, we’re shifting from planning to implementation, from discussion to meaningful action. This important phase is where your experience and perspective can make the greatest difference.
The Campus Leadership Team—a diverse body of committed students, staff, and faculty—is responsible for driving the work of the Collective. These individuals are personally invested in driving this cultural shift and ensuring a safe campus. Together we’ve:
- Completed the CORE evaluation, a comprehensive assessment with over 200 questions that gave us deep insights into our campus culture.
- Hosted a two-day site visit with our NASPA advisor, who met with key campus stakeholders and observed our campus culture.
- Developed and received approval for our Individualized Implementation Plan, a road map for change.
Although we began implementing changes in our first year by addressing immediate opportunities, one of the most visible outcomes of this initiative was launched this year. From the start, our efforts prioritized multitiered education. In early February, the Campus Leadership Team, in collaboration with Students for Violence Prevention leaders, partnered with Recognize Violence, Change Culture to bring impactful sexual violence prevention programming to campus. Their visit featured:
- Faculty workshops on trauma-informed responses to student survivors.
- Training sessions for resident assistants and student leaders on bystander intervention and consent culture.
- A game night for students centered on building healthy relationships.
Whether you are a student, faculty or staff member, your contribution can make a lasting change in our campus culture. As we continue this important work, we welcome new members to the Campus Leadership Team. More information about Culture of Respect and the current leadership team is available online. If you’re interested in joining, please reach out to Cassandre Beccai or Aimée Milne to learn more about how you can get involved.
Staff Employment Opportunities
Whitman College is currently hiring for the following staff positions:
Whitman Hosts NWC Championship Games This Weekend
The Whitman women’s basketball team—undefeated this season—will host the 2025 Northwest Conference (NWC) Championship Tournament at Sherwood Athletic Center. Games will take place on Friday, Feb. 28, at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. and Saturday, March 1, at 6 p.m. (Flyer attached.) Tickets are free for Whitman students. Additional tickets are available to purchase. Wear blue to support the home team!
Whitman Athletics is also hosting a drive to collect shelf-stable food, cleaning supplies and other items that will be donated to the Walla Walla Alliance for the Homeless. (Flyer attached.)
Sherwood Athletic Center will close at 3 p.m. on Friday and 1 p.m. on Saturday to prepare for the tournament.
Silent Disco Event Tonight
Whitman Events Board will host a “Silent Disco” event on Friday, Feb. 28, from 7:30–10 p.m. in the Reid Campus Center Young Ballroom. Enjoy a night of fun and dancing. Refreshments will be provided. (Flyer attached.)
Whitman Stationery Portal Closes Next Week
Don’t forget to place your orders for Whitman-branded stationery using the online portal by the end of day on Tuesday, March 4. Estimated delivery is Wednesday, April 16. Your portal login information is different from your Whitman login. Questions? Contact Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Communications Andrea Volz at 509-527-5160 or
Classics Lecture Next Week
Author Madeline Miller will deliver a talk titled “Literary Witches: From Circe, to Shakespeare, Salem and Oz” on Wednesday, March 5, at 6 p.m. Watch a live stream of the event in Kimball Theatre at Hunter Conservatory and participate in a moderated Q&A afterward, or register to watch the event on Zoom. Miller’s two novels were both New York Times bestsellers. (Flyer attached.)
Last week, nearly 1,600 people attended the student-led 2025 Power & Privilege Symposium. See this online photo essay for more pictures and to learn more about the varied speakers and topics.
Welty Student Health Center
The Outhouse (Interest House)
Hall of Music, Chism Recital Hall
Reid Campus Center, Young Ballroom
Horseshoe Prairie/Andies Prairie
Hall of Science, Rempel Greenhouse
Hall of Music, Chism Recital Hall
Penrose Library, Room 313 (“The Fishbowl”)
The Writing House (Interest House)
Would you like to share an event with campus? Submit the information to the Events Calendar.
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