Monday, February 24, 2025
Increasing Support for Transfer Students
Whitman College was not the initial destination when Lu Austin ’27 (right), Ricky Gonzalez ’26 and Jesse Grubb started their journeys into higher education. But thanks to strategic community college partnerships and supportive services for transfer students, Whitman is a place where they each are thriving as they pursue new academic opportunities.
Whitman has invested in several programs to help support students transferring from Walla Walla Community College (WWCC) and other community colleges in Washington state:
Direct Transfer Agreement: Ensures that students who earn an associate degree at a Washington community college can transfer credits seamlessly to Whitman.
Weingart Opportunity Scholarship: A Whitman scholarship that meets the full financial need of students from Washington state.
Gateway Program: Allows WWCC students to take courses at Whitman while completing their associate degree. Whitman covers the cost of tuition, books and other expenses.
TRIO Program: A federally funded WWCC program offering academic support, campus visits to Whitman and other colleges, and mentorship for first-generation and low-income students to help them transition to a four-year college.
Read more.
Student Attends “African Leaders on the Move”
Sociology major Mwamba Muntanga ’25, with support from ASWC, recently attended the “African Leaders on the Move” event in Boston. Hosted by McKinsey & Company, a multinational strategy and management consulting firm, the event provided undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to learn more about McKinsey Africa and interact with leaders who shared their educational journeys, personal experiences and expertise.
Free STI Testing This Week
The Planned Parenthood Generation Action student group and the Welty Student Health Center are partnering to provide free testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI) this week. Drop in daily between 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or email to make an appointment. Additional testing and exams available by appointment; lab fees apply. (Flyer attached.)
Now Hiring: Peer Academic Leaders for Fall 2025
Residence Life is now accepting applications for Fall 2025 Peer Academic Leaders (PALs). PALs will live for one semester in select first-year sections, to provide academic mentoring to residents, run programming related to academics and support student success. Compensation will be in the form of waived on-campus room cost for the semester. Apply on Handshake before Friday, March 7, at 8 p.m. Watch for information sessions in Jewett and Anderson this week and tabling in Reid next week. Questions? Email Liv Liponis ( or Charlotte Scott (
Junior-Senior Housing Lottery Closes Tomorrow
It is not too late to sign up for the Junior-Senior Housing Lottery! Applications for one- to four-bedroom apartments and houses, both in the new Junior-Senior Village and in Whitman-owned off-campus housing units, are due Tuesday, Feb. 25. More detailed information about the housing lottery process is available online.
Healthy Minds Survey for Students
Whitman College is currently administering the national Healthy Minds Survey to all students. Look for an email from Dean of Students Kazi Joshua with a link to the survey. The results will provide us with a comprehensive picture of mental health and related issues at Whitman. More student responses mean better information from the survey, and better information from the survey will help us best evaluate our ability to meet student needs and to evaluate our existing programs. Participants will have the opportunity to win one of four $250 gift cards and one of ten $100 gift cards.
At the recent Climate Action Panel event sponsored by the Sustainable Living Center, several Whitties served as panelists: Anna Shimkus ’26 (left), Devyani Gupta ’15 (second from right) and Fraser Moore ’23 (right).
Open Forum: Budget Process
Reid Campus Center, All Faiths Room
Open Forum: Budget Process
Some of Us Are Brave: A Celebration of Blackness
Hall of Music, Chism Recital Hall
Reid Campus Center, Lower Level
Reid Campus Center, All Faiths Room
Meet at Sweet Basil Pizzeria
Reid Campus Center, Queer Resource Center
Reid Campus Center, All Faiths Room
Welty Student Health Center
The Outhouse (Interest House)
Hall of Music, Chism Recital Hall
Reid Campus Center, Young Ballroom
Horseshoe Prairie/Andies Prairie
Hall of Music, Chism Recital Hall
Would you like to share an event with campus? Submit the information to the Events Calendar.
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